Thursday, June 15, 2023

Intentionally broken record

Wow I can't believe it's been this long since I've made a post. I missed self indulging over many of my life's mysteries and happenings. Well, IM BACK. And hopefully more frequently. But I've said this before, so can't make any promises I won't disappear again for a few months. Not that anyone but random internet pings care about. Did you miss me you little bit.

So what's been happening. Well, for starters, I've come back to the cafe that I so desperately did everything I could to escape from. But things are better now. But also... worse? It's complicated. Perhaps at a later date I'll talk about this, but for now. What's happened.

Since my last post I've all but moved on from her. If you've read any of the previous content on this blog... lets be real you haven't. She's someone I briefly dated a while ago. A stinger. But I'm better now and rebuilding myself bit by bit. It doesn't hurt as much now, and I feel free.

I've also come back to uni! What a whirlwind of a time that was. I kinda hail mary applied after I quit my last job in an attempt to get back into the tertiary educational system as it was either uni or leave the country for a while. Would've been glad either way, but they let me back in, so here I am.

I'm studying arts, majoring in Ancient World History and Linguistics. What a pairing that is. Also how incredibly unemployable. But I want to be a teacher. Oh yes, have I mentioned at all yet I figured out what I want to do at some point in my life? I want to be a teacher. I'm not sure if this is what I want straight out of uni, but it's penciled in as a career at some point. It seems to play to all my strengths. Namely, ability to tolerate onslaught of intrusive thoughts, and desire to make people happy. I'm a people pleaser, I know.

Anywho, there's much to discuss and I'll leave all the juicy parts for then. Until next time, it feels good to be back,
